Friday 21 September 2012

Kiev, The capital of Ukraine

Kiev, The capital of Ukraine

It is located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River
Kiev is a pearl of Ukraine, and also famous all across the Europe. ... You will find a charming country, the second biggest territory in Europe and its heart…
Kiev – is the ancient capital of the Slavic civilization. ... the beginning of last century wrote that there is no city in the world, more beautiful than Kiev

HYT H1 Liquid Watch

HYT H1 Liquid Watch!

Photo: HYT H1 Liquid Watch!

This Hydro Mechanical watch uses a liquid filled chamber to display the hours using luminescent green go in a circular tube.There is a power reserve indicator on the right for the mechanical movement. The minutes are displayed in the center of the face with a dedicated dial, and there is a water turbine style subsidiary seconds hand to the left of it.


This Hydro Mechanical watch uses a liquid filled chamber to display the hours using luminescent green go in a circular tube.There is a power reserve indicator on the right for the mechanical movement. The minutes are displayed in the center of the face with a dedicated dial, and there is a water turbine style subsidiary seconds hand to the left of it.

Friday 14 September 2012

The world's largest Quran

The world's largest Quran

It is made from wood carvings with 9 meters thickness and the page size of 177 x 140 x 2.5 centimeters in Al Ihsaniyah Islamic Boarding School, Palembang Indonesia.
Photo: The world's largest Quran

It is made from wood carvings with 9 meters thickness and the page size of 177 x 140 x 2.5 centimeters in Al Ihsaniyah Islamic Boarding School, Palembang Indonesia.


Hotel Plaza Athénée, Paris

Hotel Plaza Athénée, Paris. ...!!



The bridge is situated between Hisarüstü (European side) and Kavacık (Asian side). It is a gravity-anchored suspension bridge with steel pylons and inclined hangers. The aerodynamic deck is han
ging on double vertical steel cables.

It is 1,510 m long with a deck width of 39 m. The distance between the towers (main span) is 1,090 m (World rank: 14th) and their height over road level is 105 m. The clearance of the bridge from sea level is 64 m. It was the 6th longest suspension bridge span in the world when completed in 1988.

Photo: FATİH SULTAN  BRIDGE, Istanbul - Turkey ...!!

The bridge is situated between Hisarüstü (European side) and Kavacık (Asian side). It is a gravity-anchored suspension bridge with steel pylons and inclined hangers. The aerodynamic deck is hanging on double vertical steel cables. 

It is 1,510 m long with a deck width of 39 m. The distance between the towers (main span) is 1,090 m (World rank: 14th) and their height over road level is 105 m. The clearance of the bridge from sea level is 64 m. It was the 6th longest suspension bridge span in the world when completed in 1988.


Wednesday 12 September 2012



Nature meets Art.
BMW Art Car designed by Jeff Koons on top of Pulpit Rock in Norway 604 metres above the ground. A real highlight, isn’t it?

Saturday 1 September 2012

Caution!! Crabs Crossing

Caution!! Crabs Crossing!!

Every year at the beginning of the wet season, around October or November, the Christmas Island red crab (Gecarcoidea natalis), begins its migration from the forest to the coast to breed.

Although only endemic to Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands in the Indian Ocean, there is estimated to be more than 120 million red crabs on the rain forest floor of Christmas Island(National Geographic). The migration of the crabs is usually synchronised throughout the Island, with the rain providing moist conditions enabling them to make the long and difficult journey.

The mass migration is headed by the males, quickly followed by the females. The crabs spend several painstaking weeks scuttling to the ocean, which can be as far as 9 km away.

In order to mitigate human interference with the migration, road closures and designated “crab crossings” are put in place and local radio stations report on the crabs movements.




A natural carotenoid dicarboxylic acid called 'Crocetin' is the primary cancer-fighting element that saffron contains. It not only inhibits the progression of the disease but also decreases the size of the tumour by half,
guaranteeing a complete goodbye to cancer. Though it is the most expensive spice in the world for it is derived from around 250,000 flower stigmas (saffron crocus) that make just about half a kilo, a few saffron threads come loaded with benefits you won't regret paying for. Saffron threads can be used in various ways.