Monday 3 December 2012



Orange is one of the most favorite fruit in the world. Orange is loaded with vitamins, and the most abundant vitamin in orange is Vitamin C. This powerful vitamin protect our body against harmful elements.

Orange is Beneficial in the
following cases :
* Asthma
* Bronchitis
* Tuberculosis
* Pneumonia
* Rheumatism
* Prevent kidney stone
* Helps lower cholesterol
* Helps prevent diabetes
* Arthritis
* High blood pressure
* Persons addicted to
alcohol have found that
the desire for liquor is
greatly reduced by
drinking of orange juice.

* Consumption of large
quantities of oranges will
decrease the outpouring
of mucus secretions from
the nose.

Nutritional Contents of
Orange :
1. Betacarotene, another
powerful antioxidant that
protects our cells from
being damage.
2. Calcium that helps
protect and maintain the
health of our bone and
3. Folic Acid for proper
brain development.
4. Magnesium helps
maintain blood pressure.
5. Potassium helps
maintain electrolyte
balance in the cells, and is
important in maintaining
a healthy cardiovascular
6. Thiamin helps to
convert food into energy.
7. Vitamin B6 helps
support the production of
hemoglobin that carries
oxygen to all parts of the

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